Frequently Asked Questions

What is hypnosis and why hypnosis is useful?

Hypnosis is a state of heightened suggestibility. It is not relaxation but as practitioners we suggest relaxation as relaxation adds to the value of the hypnotic state in a clinical setting. It is a natural process which you can apply anytime you have a feeling that you would like to make change but you have the feeling that something is stopping you. In the process, your mind is active and alert the entire time.

What does it feel like to be in hypnosis?

When you are in a hypnotic state you are going to hear every word that I say and will remember as much as you would from any normal conversation. Think of the first conversation you had this morning. Do you remember every word? Undoubtedly not and this is the same with an hypnotic session.

While in hypnosis you will hear everything I say but it may or may not be important for you to remember fully what has been said.

You may discover a profound feeling of relaxation, you may discover a light and floating sensation as if you are disconnected from your body, or just may just feel like you are sitting in a chair. There is not one specific hypnotised feeling. How you experience hypnosis varies between individuals and each experience is unique in its own way. Hypnosis is a subjective experience. You just allow yourself to enjoy this feeling.

Whilst in hypnosis there will be times when you are hanging on every word that I say and there may be times when you wander off to think of other things. There is no right or wrong. Sometimes people need to move, adjust or even scratch their nose, this is all part of the process and you do whatever you need to do to be comfortable.

Will I lose control of my mind or get stuck in hypnosis?

Some people believe that going into hypnosis in a clinical setting is opening themselves up for a loss of control. But what we are really doing is growing your own control over the unwanted actions, behaviours and reactions in your life and handing you a better way to manage yourself.

You do not get stuck in hypnosis and you do not wake up from hypnosis for the simple reason that you are not asleep. You emerge out of hypnosis easily and freely, ready to make effective change.

How can you help me by using hypnosis?

You enjoy hypnotic states daily. Clinical Hypnotherapy helps you to focus your mind on the goals you set. What I do is help you to gain access to your own inner resources for the purposes of achieving your own goals. In Private Consultation we work together to create a therapeutic process specifics to your individual experiences and goals.

What does it cost?

After working with hundreds of people, I have narrowed it down to what it takes to get people to move forward in their lives. I work with clients who want to get results and want to get RESULTS fast.

All of my programmes are results based and use a combination of coaching, hypnosis, and stress management. I take a very client centered approach.

Each client is an individual and therefore programmes vary significantly in their make-up, duration and content.

In order to know what will suit you best I offer a free strategy session. I recommend you book this free session prior to booking a programme as we can both ascertain what will be a best fit for you. I can’t tell you how many sessions and how much it will cost without knowing more about you and your issue first. I don’t want to enroll you in my 10 session programme and then find that, that is way more than you need or enroll you in my 3 session programme and then find that it doesn’t meet your needs.

This strategy session gets you thinking about your responsibility to action what you know and we can discuss the suitability of using hypnosis in the form of clinical hypnotherapy to make changes for you. At the end of this strategy session I will have a plan for which programme will suit your needs best.

I use a client centered approach to help you find the right programme for your issue thus both maximising your investment and your change process.

Book in a strategy session now and begin taking action towards your goals.

NOTE: There is no hypnosis conducted in this strategy session.

When I have hypnosis how long will it take to work?

You begin to feel the benefits from the first day and this feeling will grow until you almost forget what you were like when you first sought help. Most people complete treatment within 2-4 months and 4-6 sessions.

I’ve seen people be silly on stage, will I lose control?

No, using your own state of hypnosis for therapeutic benefits is about helping you to achieve the goals you set. My role is to help you set goals and direct your subconscious mind to gain the right thinking to achieve what you set out to achieve.

When I come for a private session how long is it?

Booking in sessions are 1.5 hours and follow-up consultations range between 45 minutes to 1 hr.

I’ve had counselling before so what makes this so effective?

When we use the state of hypnosis to make change, we bring the conscious decision making in line with subconscious thought processes. When the “two minds” are not aligned we have issues where we act, feel or behave in ways that we don’t want to. In order to create the life we want we need to bring these two essential parts of our mind together.

What are the benefits of purchasing a package over an individual track?

When you choose a package and follow the format and daily instructions you go through a therapeutic process which supports your success. You also have the benefit of knowing why each component is of value to the process of change.

My friend tried hypnosis and it didn’t work. Why will it work for me?

At Scope Hypnosis you will be taken through a series of foundation exercises which will help you to be successful in achieving your goals. Only when you fail to commit to the foundations will you have an issue with success. Remember, it is all about you and your desire to achieve your goals.